April 09 - Old Friar, Twywell

So this month saw Tony, Bill, Colin(s), Brian, Keith Alan(s), Jim K, Tom, Nathan, Pastor Ian, Ian R, Paul and Julian taking the short trip to Twywell. Bill had secured a great deal from the Old Friar, with 3 curries, Naan and rice all in for a fiver.

The night started with a bit of a domestic between Colin and Bill. Colin accused Bill of being a messy eater, stating that he was always cleaning up after him at work and didn't want to be covered in curry. They soon sorted out their differences and eating continued. Early discussion was about pensions and rubbish interest rates and that savers are paying for borrowers. Someone soon brought the conversation back to a more appropriate level by talking about eating ostrich. I wonder what an ostrich madras would be like? Talking of madras, Nathan said that it slows him down eating. Now we were never really sure what this meant.

It was then we discovered that the Prof was missing. We then started t
o worry that he had got lost on the way. He does have previous for turning the wrong way out of a restaurant in Wellingborough. Anyway after 16 seconds wondering about the Prof, we got back to conversation. Pastor Ian shared some wise words by saying "my way is always the right way". Not sure if that was in any way connected to the Prof being missing, but we took it as a blessing for us.

While rummaging around in his coat pockets, Bill found a chocolate eclair (is that a modern sweet, e-clair?) from the last time he wore the coat to an Indian. Ian and Nathan had a bit of a
 discussion about rock climbing and Ian accused Nathan of being thin, which was why he was good at rock climbing. Then Ian and Tony had a debate about fasting. Tony feels that 40 days, should be 40 consecutive days, yes I know that means 46 days in reality etc. But Ian, like many feel that it is Ok to break your lent rules on Sunday. So you can fill your face with chocolate. Hardly fasting really. I don't recall Jesus taking Sunday off. Ian talked about not suffering, but ensuring you know why you are fasting. Anyway the barman came by at that time and said if Jesus knew he was going to be the Messiah, why did he train to be a carpenter. That was the end of that conversation.

So to the scoring, a disappointing 18.97 was returned by those visiting. I have to say a review of our scoring model may be needed to normalise the scores. The problem with taking every individual score into account, especially when there is a small number of participants, is that one low score can serious affect the overall. But, it does show how hard it is to get a really high score, you have to please all the people.

How someone can not give the top score of 5 points for a 3 curries, rice and naan for a fiver is beyond me, they are obviously eating in some very cheap establishments. As for the individual who scored 2 for quantity, can I suggest you seek medical advice for your tape snake.  

The score doesn't accurately present the picture of what was a really great evening and one of the more humorous for sometime - Ambiance a 2 from someone, look the word up in your dictionary!

Until next time ...